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Soal Latihan beserta pembahsannya Listening Compersationa Part C


Soal Latihan Listening Compersationa Part C
In this of the test, you will hear several short talks. After each talk, you will hear some questions. Tha talks and questions will be spoken just one time. They will not be written out for you, so you will have to listen carfully in order to understand and remember what the speakers says.
When you hear a questions, read the four possible answer in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and fill in the space that correspondends to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Today lecture will discuss about the development of industrial robot in japan. Robots have become a common sight in japanese factories. It is estimated that as many as sixty percent of japanese manufacturing firms now have industrial robots or other equepment. While the robots in japanese factories are mostly one type-faceless, bodiless, one-arm robots whisch most do work of the shoulders, elbow, wrist, and finger of a human, American factories, the firs country to invent and develovp the simple industrial robot, have been slow to use them. American scientist have been busy developing more-like robots which can work in homes and offices.
What are the efeects of using so many facelss, bodieless, one-arm robots in japannese factories? Well, it is clear that there are mani advantages. Robots have taken over many of the hot, dirty, dangerous, tiring, and boring job on the production line, especially in car factories. Secondly, robots are small, strong, and easy to use and look after, and are quete cheap. They work faster and better than humans. They also make fewer mistakes and the quality of their work is better.
But what about the disadvantages? The main one is unemplomnet. It is estimated that at least 50.000 workers in japan have been replaced by robots. Most htese workers are old and middle-aged woman and young women. Wvwn though the unemployment problem will grow, it is clear that robots will continue to be used, not only in large car factories, but also in the smaller factories and workshops all over japan.
39.  This talk would probably be given in which of the following courses?
A.    Science
B.     Art
C.     Enginering
D.    Literature
Jawaban          : C. Enginering
Kata Kunci      : The development of industrial robot in japan
40.  Which of the following best describes american robot factories?
A.    Humanoid-looking
B.     Type-faceless
C.     Bodiless
D.    One-arm robots
Jawaban          : A. Humanoid looking
Kata Kunci      : more-like robots
41.  Which of the following are not the advantages of using robots in Japanese factories?
A.    They are rather cheap.
B.     They are work faster tha human.
C.     They are rarely make mistakes.
D.    They are huge and easy to use.
Jawaban          : D. They are huge and easy to use.
Kata Kunci      : Robots are small, strong, and easy to use.
42.  What point is the speaker trying to make about the develpment of the industrial robots?
A.    Many countries are busy developing robots that can work in homes and office
B.     Robots have taken over many of the hot, dirty, dangerous, tiring, and boring job on the production line.
C.     Many workers have been replaced by robots and became unemployment.
D.    Desite the disadvantages of robots’ usage, it is clear that robots will continue to be sed.
Jawaban          : D. Despite the disadvantages of robots’ usage, it is clear that robots will continue to be used.
Kata kunci       : even though the unployment problem will grow, it is clear that robots will continue to be used.

Ladies and gentlement, as we know that, disporing the garbage we produce every day is a major problem in cities arround the word. In the united states, over 160 milion tons of garbage is produced every year. Ten percent is recycled, ten percent is burned, and the rest is put in landfills. But finding land for new landfills is becoming more difficult.
A city that has solved this problem in an unusual way is Machida, in Tokyo, Japan. They have developed, a totally new approach to garbage disposial. The key to the operation is public cooperation. Families must divide their gabage into six categories.
Firtsly, garbage that can be easly burned or combustible garbage, such as kitchen and garden trash. Secondly, non-combustible garbage, such as small electrical appliances, plastic tools, and plastic toys. Thirdly, is the products that are poisonius or that cause pollution, such as batteries and fluorescent lights. Fourthly, bottles and glass containers that can be recycled. The next is metal containers that can be recycled. The last is large items such as furniture and bicycles. Now, taking into considerations of this solutions, perhaps anyone of you can be brainstorm and mention other posible solution to the problem?
43.  What is the main purpose of this talk?
A.    New landfills
B.     Garbage disposial
C.     Combustible and non-combustibel garbage
D.    Brainstorming
Jawaban          : B. Garbage disposial
Kata Kunci      : Even though the unemployment problem wil grow, it is clear that robots will continue to be used.
44.   According to the activist, what was a succesfull key in disporing the trash?
A.    Reacycling
B.     Public cooperation
C.     Burning
D.    Pollution prevention
Jawaban          : B. Public cooperation
Kata Kunci      : the key to the operation is public cooperation.
45.  Which of the following are not inclueded in six categories of garbage?
A.    Light box.
B.     Electrical appliances.
C.     Toxic product
D.    Combustibel garbagage
Jawaban          : A. Light Box
Kata Kunci      : Such as bateries and fluorecent lights.
46.  According to the data mentioned by the speakers, how many garbage are put in the landfills?
A.    10 million
B.     32 million
C.     128 million
D.    160 million
Jawaban          : C. 128 million
Kata kunci       : and the rest is put in landfills
Very year thousands of people die, due to weather related problems. This has been a particular problem in Europa over the last few years. It can happen in both winter and in summer. Let’s take a look into the causes for a moment.
The year 2003 was a time of extrme cold in the winter. In britian alone, the number of people who died from cold-related illiness was descibed as shamdul. Nearly twenty-five thousands people died from illiness such as strikes, heart attack, bronchities, flue. Pnemoniea, which each of these deaths were thought to have been caused by the cold weather. To give people advice on how to survive the effects of the cold wether and freezing temperatures, a campaign called “ The Cold Can Fill” Was launched.
In the summer of the same year, arround twenty-three thousands people died in Europea due to the sizzling temperatures. Frances was particularly badly hit, with nearly fifteen thousands deaths which were related to the sweltering heat. In britain, the number of heat-related deaths was much lower than the number of winters deaths. However, with protect their health. This advice warned that it only took two consecutive days of high temperatures to have significant effects on people’s health. It stated that people who become overheated and dehydrated ran the risk of irreversible damage to the body or even death.
47.  What is the main topic of this report?
A.    Die people
B.     Extreme wether
C.     Sizzling temperature
D.    Weather related problems
Jawaban          : D. Weather related problems.
Kata kunci       : very year thousands of people die, due two wether related problems.
48.  According to the news presenter, what contributes to cold-related illiness in Britian?
A.    Cold Weahter
B.     Winnter deaths
C.     Sizzling high temperatures
D.    The cold can kill
Jawaban          : A. Cold Wether
Kata kunci       : Which each of these deaths were thought to have been caused by the cold wether
49.  What can be inffered about the number of heat-related deaths in britian?
A.    It was particulary badly hit due to sizzling temperature
B.     The number of heat-related deaths are describe as shameful
C.     The number of people who died decreased compared to the winter season
D.    The govement launched “ The Cold Can Kill” campaign to give people atvice on how to survive.
Jawaban          : C.  The numbe rof people who died decreased compared the winter season
Kata kunci       : In Britian, the number of heat-related deaths was much lower than the number of winter deaths.
50.  What is significant about high temperatures effects on people health?
A.    Sweltering heat can cause illines such as strokes, heart attacks, and bronchittis.
B.     Two consecutive days of high temperatures run the risk of damage to the body or even death.
C.     With the temperature reaching 38 0C, it significant to protect people health.
D.    Nearly twenty-five thousands people died from overhead and dehydrated.
Jawaban          : B. Two consecutive days of high temperatures run the risk of damage to the body or even death.
Kata kunci       : it only took two consecutive days of high temperatures to have significant effects on people’s health. It stated that people who become overhead and dehydrated ran the risk of irreversible damage to the bosy or even death.





Sakadang Buhaya keur moyan di sisi walungan. Jol sakadang Peucang. “Rék naon Sakdang Peucang ka dieu? Rék maling cai, nya? Di leuweung euweuh cai. Da halodo banget.” Jawab Peucang, “Kuring mah tara nginum deui cai walungan. Komo ayeuna keur saat. Nya teu ngeunah nya loading... kiruh. Ayeuna mah nginum téh cai kalapa. Nya beresih nya ngeunah. Amis.” “Rék naon atuh kadieu?” cék Buhaya. Omong Peucang, “Tadina mah rék ngalalajoan kulit sampéan. Resep ting gareret, hérang. Komo mun katojo ku panonpoé. Euweuh baé nu kulitna alus saperti kulit sampéan. Ngan geuning bet kotor. Pinuh ku leutak.” Omong Buhaya, “Walungan saat. Kuring teu bisa teuteuleuman pikeun meresihan tonggong.” “Emh, lebar. Kulit saalus-alus jadi kotor. Kumaha mun diberesihan ku kuring” ceuk Peucang. “Nya sukur baé ari daek mah,” jawab Buhaya, “kumaha caranya?”, ceuk Buhaya keneh “Kulit tonggong sampéan dikumbah ku kuring. Tapi caina kudu anu beresih. Tuh di tengah!, ceuk Peucang “Pek atuh. G...


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MODUL 4 PEMFILTERAN PADA SINYAL WICARA I. TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu menyusun filter digital dan melakukan pemfilteran pada sinyal wicara II.DASAR TEORI 2.1. Filter IIR Yang perlu diingat disini bahwa infinite inpulse response (IIR) dalam hal ini bukan berarti filter yang bekerja dari nilai negatif tak hingga sampai positif tak hingga.Pengertian sederhana untuk infinite impulse respon filter disini adalah bahwa output filtermerupakan fungsi dari kondisi input sekarang, input sebelumnya dan output di waktu sebelumnya. Konsep ini kemudian lebih kita kenal sebagai recursive filter , yang manamelibatkan proses feedback dan feed forward . Dalam bentuk persamaan beda yangmenghubungkan input dengan output dinyatakan seperti persmaaan (1) berikut ini.      …… (1) dimana: - { b k } koefisien feed forward - { a l } koefisien feed back - banyaknya (total koefisien) = M+N+1 - N ditetapkan sebagai orde filter IIR Untuk merealisas...